I went out this morning to meet with a friend about doing a family photo shoot for her father's 70th birthday. This friend is one of 'my brides', someone for whom I did wedding photography several years back, and it's always such fun to visit with a couple I took the wedding photos for, who are still very much in love and still enjoying their beautiful wedding album and photos. That always brings me great joy. She even pulled out the album and showed it to me all over again, and we enjoyed the beauty of the day two years ago. I walked to their house and walked back home again, noticing all the beauties of spring as I walked. There are trees in blossom everywhere, and it was slightly chilly but not the frozen cold we had during the winter. I was remembering certain places where I had walked, almost knee-deep, in snow only two or three months ago. Amazing how everything can change so quickly.
So I spent most of the rest of the day chilling out, catching up on various photography editing, writing, reading, talking with my sister, watching part of a film, taking a nap, and now blogging and drinking two cups of tea at the same time. Oh - I almost forgot! The raspberry and peach tea. Well, it's not bad. I wouldn't choose to have it too often, but the raspberry flavour comes out nice and strong, and the colour is a deep, almost fuschia - but perhaps a little darker. Surprisingly dark. I'm struggling to taste the peach as much, but it does temper the raspberry a bit. Interestingly raspberry is quite a sharp taste in a tea.
Walk length: 40 minutes
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