Today was Memorial Day in the States, and our family got together for a dedication barbeque for my dad’s new property in Sedona, Arizona.
This place is absolutely amazing – I’ve mentioned it before, but it bears repeating, that this is a sprawling ranch-like property complete with caboose, gazebo, tree house, workshop, garage, and creekside access, all in addition to the house itself.
The place just exudes peace and rest, and my sister and I drove up the night before to experience some of that rest, and I almost found myself rushing about to grasp every opportunity for rest – down at the creek, on the swing, watching the stars, and sitting in the very comfortable reclining chairs inside.

My sister Laura made some homemade iced tea for our family get together , and I have no idea what kind of tea it is specifically, and I didn't even take a picture of it, but I
kind of like the fact that it’s just original Arizona blend, in keeping with our family barbeque.
This was some barbeque.
There were at least 75 or 80 people there, and yet with such a sprawling place you hardly even noticed.
Car parking spaces seem to materialise out of thin air, and hide the cars away so that their technological look doesn’t spoil the woodsy feel of the place.
There were children playing in the caboose and treehouse, men fishing down at the creek, a rousing game of Connect 4 over here, and lazy discussion over there.
It was just the right kind of day – blue skies, red rocks, incredible steaks, good company, time with family, and the reminder over all that all of these blessings come from God.

The verse my dad quoted which is the only response to all these benefits and graces and gifts and joys is: “Who am I, O Lord God? And what is my house, that You have brought us thus far?” (2 Samuel 7.18)
No real walk today. I tramped over the rocks to the creek and back, but I needed a few days off, and this was one of them.
Hey, my tea got posted! I'm famous!! I think the official blend was 4 bags of Sugar Plum Spice and 2 bags of Herbal Orange. Place in gallon tea jug in 100+F Phoenix afternoon sunlight, and steep for several hours. Chill and serve on ice. The flavor combo made me happy because it was so delish that it needed no sugar. Not true of every tea!
ReplyDeleteOoooo.....Laura's blend sounds really good! I don't like the sugar plum spice hot, but it sounds really good cold! Maybe I could use some of mine u that way....hope you don't mind my complete honesty on my tea preferences. :)
ReplyDeleteOf course I don't mind Heather! Everyone has preferences, that's what makes tea so fun :D I'll tell you ones I don't like: gingerbread spice, candycane (got sick of it!), ginger and lemon, and of course lipton green! haha!! :D