Tonight Pin and I went to Dad’s new place in Sedona for some R&R, and I brought out one of the most amazing teas I’ve had in this whole challenge: a white-tea-and-elderflower-flavoured-vodka. Wow. It was like drinking white tea on fire.
It was incredible, after having tried so many different teas, and beginning to really tell a white tea from a green tea from any other kind of tea, that I could really taste the white tea flavour in there.

The elderflower gave it a softening aspect, but after I sat and savoured a few sips, I decided to add a little cranberry juice. It changed the entire flavour of the ‘tea’, but definitely made it go down a little more smoothly. I liked it both ways.
It really was a rest day today, so that’s all I have to say about that!
"White tea fire" is right!