I think I was at a Bewley's hotel in Dublin about six or seven months back and took this one with me to go. (I love taking tea packets from hotel rooms...or hotel breakfast rooms...my only rule is that I can't take so many as to be greedy, and there's a fine line. How many do you take from your hotel room? One or two? Some people drink a lot of tea, and that's what it's there for. I generally take the ones that I like, and leave a few for the room. If I got bad service, though, I take them all. That's right!)
Okay, tangent over. So this is a 'pure rooibos', which can go either way. Some rooibos teas are lovely, and some are pretty dark. I really like this one - Bewley's chose well here! There's that slight bush-flavour, as though the tea leaves just came out of the dirt...but good clean dirt. It's hard to describe. It's not too heavy, if you don't oversteep, and has that slight caramel or toffee taste, a sweet tea without any sugar in it. Lovely to drink at night before going to bed, too, because it's caffeine free and won't keep me awake for hours.
Walk/run length: 40 minutes
My second 90-day walking blog! Now combining walking in all weathers with the best of rewards at the end - a different cup of tea each day.
Friday, 24 June 2011
Day 69: Twinings Blackcurrant, Ginseng and Vanilla

In this instance, the ginseng (as with the other intense ones noted above) just takes over everything. The blackcurrant is a pretty serious fruit, and is no mean competitor, but ginseng insists on having the last word. Vanilla is a bit of an afterthought, like something they had to scrounge around for at the end, when they realised that things weren't going as smoothly with this tea as originally planned. And the only vanilla I actually taste is probably something that's in my head because it's listed on the packet - they could have left it out and I wouldn't even know!
My walk today (Wednesday) was an excellent one - I went out in the morning, as planned, and came back rejuvenated and enthused, as planned. Check!
Walk length: 35 minutes
Day 68: Whittard's Peppermint

Today's was Whittard's Peppermint. The thing I like peppermint tea for is when I have a cold. When it's chilly and raining outside, and I'm snug in my bed with the duvet wrapped around me and warm socks on and a cup of minty tea for my throat, which is aching. This wasn't the case today, which is good in many ways, but it does make it kind of odd to just randomly have a cup of peppermint tea.
I think I'll do that tonight!

Walk length: 35 minutes
Day 67: Whittard's Spiced Fruits

I was making a card for a friend who is in hospital, and decided I'd share some of the joy of tea whilst doing it. I've seen these cards before, with the little slot in them for a tea packet, so I decided to make my own, and was quite pleased at the results! I spent a lovely hour with pens and paper and colours and craftiness and then slotted in a tea packet and away went the card!
My absolute favourite of this sampler is the Spiced Fruits. It tastes just as it ought to...fruity, but not overwhelmingly so or with a thick aftertaste, as many combination-fruit teas have; and with just a little tang, as though someone added chili powder and lemon, or some sort of odd addition like that. It's very different, but it works!
My walk today was to the train, from the train, to someone's house to look at a camera, back to the train, back home! I was pretty exhausted actually! Those hills in Edinburgh get fairly steep, especially when carrying around my camera and lenses on my back. I was glad to get home and chillax for a bit before going out to see a film in the evening.
Walk length: 1 hour
Day 66: Rest
No blogging, walking, or choosing of teas today. I am enjoying some reruns of those I love though!
Day 65: Green Chai Tea

Or perhaps I should try it as a proper chai!
Walk length: 20 minutes
Day 64: Fog Tea

Unfortunately, this is the first green tea I really just don't like. No matter how I steep it, it tastes like green tea that has sat around too long. I'm not sure what taste I was expecting from the word 'fog'...maybe a green tea that was fairly soft, not too bitter, with not much of a taste at all, I suppose. I looked up the description on Souvia's site, and it said that it's a combination of green teas that are grown "high in the Wu Lu mountains where there is always clouds or fog". And so the plant produces more chlorophyll...and there we have it. Unfortunately there I have it, an entire package of this loose leaf tea, but I've had the brilliant idea of mixing my own loose leaf teas with all the ones I have, so I may do that soon!

Walk/run length: 40 minutes
Thursday, 16 June 2011
Day 63: Red Berry (Suki Tea)
Tonight I went into Glasgow to meet up with a friend who was in town, and had a few minutes to spare beforehand, so of course I went in search of a good cup of tea. Sadly, my favourite tea shop which I had only visited once (Brewhaha) is now closed, so I was pretty disappointed about that. This recession is driving me crazy. You find an amazing place, you visit it once or a few times, you rave about it, you blog about it, you tell your friends...and six months later it's like it never existed. Come on, businesses! Pull yourselves together!
In place of it, though, was The Streat, which amazingly enough we happen to have one of in Airdrie. I remember having gone into our one several months back and ordering tea, to be told that they had loose leaf teas and being able to choose one. This was well before I got into my tea blogging, but even then I realised the amazing difference in a loose leaf tea. So, I walked into the Streat cafe at Buchanan Galleries and looked at their teas listed, but couldn't tell whether I was going to be presented with Twinings teabags, or a loose leaf infusion, so I asked. The kind lady behind the counter explained that they used to have loose leaf, but now they have these infusion bags, the ones that are like thin muslin with the loose leaf tea in them. I've had them before and they're lovely. The teas they had didn't overly impress me (although the Earl Grey Blue sounded lovely, earl grey with blue cornflowers), but I went for a decaf one, Red Berry.
It was okay. There is an odd taste that some fruity herbal teas have, like a rubbing at the back of your throat, and I'm not a big fan. I was hoping that the little infusion teabag would make a difference, but either I didn't steep it properly or it just wasn't the flavour I like ("red berry" did sound a bit vague - I'm starting to prefer specifics, like what kind of berries? and what else is in there?). Of course, being British, when she asked me how I enjoyed my tea I said oh, it was lovely. Classic. What else do you do? And it was lovely....it was lovely sitting there on a comfortable couch watching the world pass by. It was lovely that the lady actually spoke to me, and chatted away, and let me take photos of the tea bags (looking at me very oddly!), and cared enough to see if I was enjoying it. So yes, I enjoyed my tea, although I probably wouldn't go for that one again. Maybe the Earl Grey next time!
After my tea I waited a little while outside for my friend, and sat outside on the steps near the Glasgow Concert Hall. The sun was setting, so I sat with its rays warm on my face listening to a man play the guitar, in that early-evening-glow of happiness and rest and quietness and peace. Even the people walking by and the apparent drug dealers to my right and fake-homeless-guy to my left were quiet. (I say fake because he put his hand gently on my arm and said, "God bless you, God bless you", which especially in Britain just sounds like one of those phrases people say so that you will think well of them.) The guitar man played La Bamba and then he played Simon and Garfunkel's 'El Condor Pasa' and I sat transported back to my childhood when we listened to the latter while we folded laundry in the house. (Not so much La Bamba, but to guitar-guy's credit, he managed to make that relaxing and peaceful, too!)
After my little time of rest we went for dinner at a completely random Italian restaurant, whose name I don't even recall, and then we went to the Glasgow Film Theatre, which I'd never been to. It shows independent films, which usually means subtitles and sometimes very odd plots and characterisation. They even handed out a wee paper that explained the film, but Joel and I looked it over and he said he got the jist and I said I didn't understand a word of it, and we settled back to enjoy the film. It was really, really excellent. I forgot how long it had been since I watched a film in which I had no idea who was going to live or die, and how it would end. The one sentence in the review they handed out that I did understand, and appreciate, was, "Savour the vicarious thrill of Point Blank while you can before some movie producer casts Daniel Craig or Matt Damon in the inevitable remake." Now, I'm a pretty big fan of both those gentlemen, and don't really mind seeing anything with them in it. But I forgot that when you're watching a Daniel Craig film, you know that he's going to win. You know that he will very nearly get killed several times, but he won't die. You're pretty confident that his lady will live too (although to be fair that can be up for debate, and has been, in both Daniel and Matt's films), and that all will be more or less well in the end. Because, of course, they have to live to play in another film. But here, in the Glasgow Film Theatre with French subtitles and real-looking people and the hero running until he can't breathe anymore, you really aren't sure. I gasped a lot. I found myself sitting with my hands over my mouth in terror while he went in search of some very evil men. Because in an independent film, anything can happen.
I'd highly recommend it. Well worth a go!
Walk/run length: 40 minutes
In place of it, though, was The Streat, which amazingly enough we happen to have one of in Airdrie. I remember having gone into our one several months back and ordering tea, to be told that they had loose leaf teas and being able to choose one. This was well before I got into my tea blogging, but even then I realised the amazing difference in a loose leaf tea. So, I walked into the Streat cafe at Buchanan Galleries and looked at their teas listed, but couldn't tell whether I was going to be presented with Twinings teabags, or a loose leaf infusion, so I asked. The kind lady behind the counter explained that they used to have loose leaf, but now they have these infusion bags, the ones that are like thin muslin with the loose leaf tea in them. I've had them before and they're lovely. The teas they had didn't overly impress me (although the Earl Grey Blue sounded lovely, earl grey with blue cornflowers), but I went for a decaf one, Red Berry.
It was okay. There is an odd taste that some fruity herbal teas have, like a rubbing at the back of your throat, and I'm not a big fan. I was hoping that the little infusion teabag would make a difference, but either I didn't steep it properly or it just wasn't the flavour I like ("red berry" did sound a bit vague - I'm starting to prefer specifics, like what kind of berries? and what else is in there?). Of course, being British, when she asked me how I enjoyed my tea I said oh, it was lovely. Classic. What else do you do? And it was lovely....it was lovely sitting there on a comfortable couch watching the world pass by. It was lovely that the lady actually spoke to me, and chatted away, and let me take photos of the tea bags (looking at me very oddly!), and cared enough to see if I was enjoying it. So yes, I enjoyed my tea, although I probably wouldn't go for that one again. Maybe the Earl Grey next time!
After my tea I waited a little while outside for my friend, and sat outside on the steps near the Glasgow Concert Hall. The sun was setting, so I sat with its rays warm on my face listening to a man play the guitar, in that early-evening-glow of happiness and rest and quietness and peace. Even the people walking by and the apparent drug dealers to my right and fake-homeless-guy to my left were quiet. (I say fake because he put his hand gently on my arm and said, "God bless you, God bless you", which especially in Britain just sounds like one of those phrases people say so that you will think well of them.) The guitar man played La Bamba and then he played Simon and Garfunkel's 'El Condor Pasa' and I sat transported back to my childhood when we listened to the latter while we folded laundry in the house. (Not so much La Bamba, but to guitar-guy's credit, he managed to make that relaxing and peaceful, too!)
After my little time of rest we went for dinner at a completely random Italian restaurant, whose name I don't even recall, and then we went to the Glasgow Film Theatre, which I'd never been to. It shows independent films, which usually means subtitles and sometimes very odd plots and characterisation. They even handed out a wee paper that explained the film, but Joel and I looked it over and he said he got the jist and I said I didn't understand a word of it, and we settled back to enjoy the film. It was really, really excellent. I forgot how long it had been since I watched a film in which I had no idea who was going to live or die, and how it would end. The one sentence in the review they handed out that I did understand, and appreciate, was, "Savour the vicarious thrill of Point Blank while you can before some movie producer casts Daniel Craig or Matt Damon in the inevitable remake." Now, I'm a pretty big fan of both those gentlemen, and don't really mind seeing anything with them in it. But I forgot that when you're watching a Daniel Craig film, you know that he's going to win. You know that he will very nearly get killed several times, but he won't die. You're pretty confident that his lady will live too (although to be fair that can be up for debate, and has been, in both Daniel and Matt's films), and that all will be more or less well in the end. Because, of course, they have to live to play in another film. But here, in the Glasgow Film Theatre with French subtitles and real-looking people and the hero running until he can't breathe anymore, you really aren't sure. I gasped a lot. I found myself sitting with my hands over my mouth in terror while he went in search of some very evil men. Because in an independent film, anything can happen.
I'd highly recommend it. Well worth a go!
Walk/run length: 40 minutes
Day 62: Kombucha Decaf (Green Tea)

I guess that means I need to start stocking up again. The hard thing about tea is that it doesn't really come in the one-size servings. You generally buy a box of tea with about 20 or even 40 teabags in it, or loose leaf tea that lasts for months, and that's it for the one kind of tea!
But my friend Sylvia came to the rescue with this one. She gave me a random teabag a few weeks ago when I was in the States, and said that it would serve me well if I ever hit a day where I didn't have a new tea to try. She was certainly right, and today I scrounged around and found the Kombucha Decaf green tea, and poured it out.

Kombucha is the key ingredient, which I'd never heard of, but I've looked it up and it's apparently made from fermenting tea! Mmmm. The packet proclaims that it 'supports immune and digestive function' (which is, to me, a very odd statement to make on a tea packet), but Wikipedia insists that the proof of medicinal purposes is few and far between. Well, never mind. I've found a beautiful tea that's decaffeinated, and my only problem is that it's sold in the States!
Walk/run length: 40 minutes
Day 61: Celestial Seasonings Green Tea Decaf (with White Tea)
This is a tea I picked up in the States. I have perfected the art of the self-decaffeinated green tea, but it doesn't always work. Sometimes I leave the teabag in too long, despite my best efforts, and lie awake at night. Other times I don't leave it in long enough, and it's like drinking lightly coloured hot water. I thought this might be the answer.
I do like this tea, as an alternative and something to drink late at night. It's no loose-leaf, certainly, but it has a decent green flavour without being too overwhelming, although I can't really have more than one cup at a time. There's no lovely mango or peach or cranberry flavouring to help it along, so it's a bit plain. The white tea (which, according to the box, has been added for a 'smoother taste') definitely does help things along. I do like the combination, and am now thinking about how I could do a little combo of my own with my loose-leaf teas!
Another successful walk/run this morning - nothing exceptional to say here except that I am definitely back in the pattern, and enjoying it. And the weather right now is so perfect I couldn't be happier. Sunshine, but not too warm; a breeze, but not a wind; a few clouds, but nothing cold. I think what's amazing in the UK is that there is such a tendency to give up hope. "Lovely day," I'll say to someone, and inevitably the response will be, "Yes, it's nice finally" or "It's only meant to last till tomorrow" or something like that. I say, enjoy it while you have it! I even went to the lengths of insisting on being cheerful while waiting in the queue at the post office today, and I think I might be in danger of losing my British citizenship over it.
Walk on!
I do like this tea, as an alternative and something to drink late at night. It's no loose-leaf, certainly, but it has a decent green flavour without being too overwhelming, although I can't really have more than one cup at a time. There's no lovely mango or peach or cranberry flavouring to help it along, so it's a bit plain. The white tea (which, according to the box, has been added for a 'smoother taste') definitely does help things along. I do like the combination, and am now thinking about how I could do a little combo of my own with my loose-leaf teas!
Another successful walk/run this morning - nothing exceptional to say here except that I am definitely back in the pattern, and enjoying it. And the weather right now is so perfect I couldn't be happier. Sunshine, but not too warm; a breeze, but not a wind; a few clouds, but nothing cold. I think what's amazing in the UK is that there is such a tendency to give up hope. "Lovely day," I'll say to someone, and inevitably the response will be, "Yes, it's nice finally" or "It's only meant to last till tomorrow" or something like that. I say, enjoy it while you have it! I even went to the lengths of insisting on being cheerful while waiting in the queue at the post office today, and I think I might be in danger of losing my British citizenship over it.
Walk on!
Day 60: Green Tea With Mango (Loose Leaf)
Today I finally got back into my good pattern of getting up to a cup of green tea, doing my morning pages, going for a walk, and then starting my day. It's amazing how long it took me to get back into it, but as I was going (and being tempted to berate myself and beat myself up for how I'd fallen off the regular-pattern-wagon), I realised that that's just a part of exercise. And discipline. And life. If you have a period of time where you've done really, really well - getting up early every day, eating healthy, walking or running, being disciplined with emails, achieving all kinds of things - there is always, always going to be a period where you just can't do it anymore.
And instead of attacking myself for what I haven't done, I'm seriously considering just letting that be part of the process. Obviously lying around watching films all day is not something you want to just let happen whenever, but sometimes you get sick. Or are jet lagged. Or have put out 110% for the last six months and just can't do it anymore. And falling back is part of the process. It means you've been doing everything right. It means you need a rest (and perhaps have been pushing too hard). And it means you're human.
At the end of the day, I'm always going to get back on the wagon and go forward. I'm never going to just lie around being useless, because I hate that. And this week I've already started to see increased enthusiasm and energy - and it could just be that all this renewal came from me being down for a little while. Regardless, I'm back in the pattern. And all is good.
Today's tea was Green Tea with Mango - but the loose leaf version that I got from Tea's Me Cafe. Gosh, this tea is good. If I had to pick one tea as a favourite from the entire 60 days so far, it really might be this one. (Okay, the Angels' Kiss is a very close second.) It's light, refreshing, fruity but not overwhelmingly so, has just the right amount of green tea for flavour but not for bitterness, has a pale yellow colour and fresh fruity flavour that means I can drink cup after cup without any bad effects other than an inability to fall asleep at night! :)
I've also discovered that I can use my cafetiere (which I use for ground coffee) with my loose leaf tea as an infuser alternative. I'm pretty impressed with myself. I don't have a tea infuser or infused teapot or any of those fun things (hint, hint, anyone who's thinking of sending a gift for any reason), and I have tried a variety of options before I hit on this cafetiere idea. I tried putting the tea leaves in a teapot, and then straining them out as I poured. It worked okay, but made a big mess. I have a tea-spoon with holes that works well for a cup of tea, but not so much for a whole pot. So here then is my answer. I'm still learning how much tea to use (I always put in too much), and the lesson is: use very little!
Walk/run length: 40 minutes

At the end of the day, I'm always going to get back on the wagon and go forward. I'm never going to just lie around being useless, because I hate that. And this week I've already started to see increased enthusiasm and energy - and it could just be that all this renewal came from me being down for a little while. Regardless, I'm back in the pattern. And all is good.

I've also discovered that I can use my cafetiere (which I use for ground coffee) with my loose leaf tea as an infuser alternative. I'm pretty impressed with myself. I don't have a tea infuser or infused teapot or any of those fun things (hint, hint, anyone who's thinking of sending a gift for any reason), and I have tried a variety of options before I hit on this cafetiere idea. I tried putting the tea leaves in a teapot, and then straining them out as I poured. It worked okay, but made a big mess. I have a tea-spoon with holes that works well for a cup of tea, but not so much for a whole pot. So here then is my answer. I'm still learning how much tea to use (I always put in too much), and the lesson is: use very little!
Walk/run length: 40 minutes
Saturday, 11 June 2011
Day 58: Gojiberry Green Tea
Today was another one of my loose-leaf extravaganzas! To be honest, I have no idea what gojiberries are, and bought the tea simply because at the shop (Teas Me!)they opened up a box of it and it was so pretty, with blue flower petals and red dried berries and green tea leaves, and it smelled heavenly. I've had it a few times now, and it's one of the strangest green teas that I have. First, it actually smells better than it tastes. I like the taste pretty well, but the smell is so exotic and powerful, whereas once it's steeped it's still a very light green tea. Secondly, it tastes better with the first cup than with the second or third - whereas some green teas are much more powerful the second or third steeping.
I wasn't even sure if a gojiberry was a real berry, but it appears to be. This tea has blueberry and pomegranate flavours, with blue cornflowers for colour and even some lemongrass in the tea! Makes for an intense taste that you can have over and over again from just a few teaspoons of dried tea. It makes me wish I could drink green tea late at night, but even though green tea is lighter in caffeine, it's still there - and my little trick of decaffeinating the teabag doesn't work so well with loose leaf tea!
My walk today was to visit one of the older housebound ladies, and then to the grocery store and home. I must still be getting over my exhaustion because that about did me in!
Time for another cup of tea and then bed!
Walk length: 15 minutes

My walk today was to visit one of the older housebound ladies, and then to the grocery store and home. I must still be getting over my exhaustion because that about did me in!
Time for another cup of tea and then bed!
Walk length: 15 minutes
Friday, 10 June 2011
Catching Up
I took almost a week off from my blog up until today. Put simply, I was exhausted. A lot of traveling and a good bit of work and photography and visiting and family and walking and running and shopping and hundreds of other things meant that I was just worn out from all the little daily things that I'd been doing so well.
So, I just stopped everything for a little while. It's good to do that. Whilst in one way it's great to be such an achiever, and successful, and firing ahead at all pistons every day, it always catches up to you. And when it does, just lie down and rest until you're ready to get back up again. It's a good thing.
So, I just stopped everything for a little while. It's good to do that. Whilst in one way it's great to be such an achiever, and successful, and firing ahead at all pistons every day, it always catches up to you. And when it does, just lie down and rest until you're ready to get back up again. It's a good thing.
Day 57: Organic White Tea (Pai Mu Tan)

We had an amazing day, and a very full one. We started off with breakfast at a little place called The Yellow Door (interestingly enough on our way there I spotted the Green Door and the Amber Window and several other similar restaurants - a popular notion!), and of course I asked for tea. They brought out an entire box of teas for me to choose from, and I hesitated for quite some time before finally deciding on an organic white.

Walk length: All over! Hard to say.
Day 56: Pear Helene Green Tea (loose leaf)
Well, I need to admit it. I'm a loose-leaf-tea snob now. Having spent a few weeks in the States trying loads of different tea cafes, loose leaf teas, teabag-teas, and just about everything there is, and then coming home with more packets of loose leaf teas than I should probably admit to, I'm really finding it difficult to simply toss a teabag into a cup of hot water and drink it. The intense flavours, the sweetness, the fresh flavour of loose leaf tea of any kind has spoiled me rotten for any other kind of tea - at least for a little while.
Today's tea was my 'bonus' tea that I got because I bought so many at Souvia (the day I tried the Angels' Kiss green tea with Betty). It's called Pear Helene, and has little pieces of dried candied pear pieces in with the green tea leaves. It also includes marigold flowers, the packet says, and originated in Germany. There's an interesting aspect I haven't looked into yet - the origination of all the different teas. I never really had a burning desire to go to China, but I definitely do now. I'd love to go somewhere to see the tea plants and the drying leaves and the whole process from beginning to end! This Pear Helene tea is another perfect example of an excellent fruity green tea - light, so light that there seems to be very little flavour, but like walking through flowers and yet not overwhelmed.
I have to confess I can't even remember what my walk was like this day. I'm writing this blog post many days after the fact, so my best guess is that I walked down to my local grocery store and stocked up on supplies!
Walk length: 15 minutes

Walk length: 15 minutes
Wednesday, 1 June 2011
Day 55: Good Earth Sweet & Spicy

I had no idea what my tea of the day would be. I thought of getting one at the airport, but other than Starbucks (which really doesn’t do tea), there weren’t many options. And I do like to enjoy a cup of tea, and my traveling today, whilst not stressful, wasn’t relaxed and easy-going, either. I actually finally got called over the announcements for the first time!! “Miss Karen Reyburn, please come urgently to gate A3, where your flight to Edinburgh is closing.” The hilarious part was, there were 15.25 and 15.50 flights to Edinburgh boarding right next to each other, and I had it in my head that I was boarding at 15.50, so I was sitting comfortably at gate A2, checking to make sure it wasn’t boarding yet, and typing up blog posts while I waited. It’s amazing how there can be so many announcements which just pour over your mind like water, and then suddenly your own name is spoken and alertness comes roaring back! Fortunately I didn’t have far to go, so I picked up my bags and took a few steps to the right and all the gate attendants were laughing at me. (No, with me!) At any rate, it was quite comfortable really – I wasn’t stressed at all, and I didn’t have to queue up, and I didn’t miss my flight! Perfect!

I’ve never had Good Earth Sweet & Spicy before. I’ve had Good Earth and I like it, but this is on a whole different playing field. It’s an incredible tea. For a teabag (ie non-loose-leaf), it packs a serious punch, with more flavours than you could imagine pressing into one little package. Right off I noticed the sweetness – it was like someone had put in a huge spoonful of honey or brown sugar. I was shocked to discover that it’s all natural sweetness. On my own I could taste cinnamon and orange and rooibos, but other than that I had to go to the packet to see what else was amazing me in this tea. It has (according to the back of the packet): Red Rooibos, Chicory Root, Rosehips, Cinnamon, Lemongrass, Peppermint, Papaya, Chamomile, Panax Ginseng, Anise Seed, Dandelion Root, Ginger Root, Orange Oil, Orange Peel. Wow. Almost every single flavour is intense in and of itself – ginger, cinnamon, lemongrass, ginseng – you don’t mess with those guys. They’re the mobsters of the tea world, but really nice once you get to know them. That is, as long as you’re on their side, and you hang out with them in the right company. Mix in the wrong fellows and you will wish you never took a sip. It’s not personal, it’s tea.
I’m off to bed now. It’s raining outside, and my walk for the day has consisted of a fairly long stretch through Heathrow’s Terminal 5, as well as Phoenix Sky Harbour’s Terminal 4. I think I’m good for the day.
Day 54: Desert Blossom Iced Tea (Jobot)

We ordered savoury crepes which were excellent – mine was root beer pulled pork with jalapenos, and Laura’s was a Monte Cristo. We enjoyed both, and our teas, immensely, and I’d highly recommend the place. Just go with a relaxed mindset and you’ll be all set.
My walk was short today – I got a late start and on the last day of May in Phoenix, you don’t want to walk too far at 11am. It did start to cloud up a little, so we did about 20 minutes round the block, but even that seemed to wipe me out. I think I’ll be glad to be back in Scotland where I can go for a walk any time day or night, and my only query is how heavy of a jacket to put on!
Walk length: 20 minutes
Day 53: Laura’s Homeblend Herbal Iced Tea

The verse my dad quoted which is the only response to all these benefits and graces and gifts and joys is: “Who am I, O Lord God? And what is my house, that You have brought us thus far?” (2 Samuel 7.18)
No real walk today. I tramped over the rocks to the creek and back, but I needed a few days off, and this was one of them.
Day 52: Absolut Wild Tea

It was incredible, after having tried so many different teas, and beginning to really tell a white tea from a green tea from any other kind of tea, that I could really taste the white tea flavour in there.

It really was a rest day today, so that’s all I have to say about that!
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